Tuesday 9 November 2010

My Mind of George

So from the mind of George, to the mind of the world of which we call the internet, I have returned to you, my friends, to post my most spectacular thoughts to you, and as ever, you, my avid readers, will sit and listen(or read) with interest in what happens within my rather simple life, which, as with everybody, has that edge of excitement. Today's subject? A most marvellous creation of life - Lucy Honeychurch.

So we all know I haven't posted for an entire week or two, by (not) doing so, I have broken my promise to update you on every single slice of detail of Florence, but in perfect honesty? I haven't been paying too much attention to what I have often heard described as the 'jewel of Italy', well, the one thing I did indeed notice other than this woman, is the smell! One would think that for a city of such a high standard of reputation, they'd have the decency to clean once in a while. Apparently not.

But alas, upon leaving my hotel room one morning, there she sat, having the most silly of arguments with a much more elderly family member, they were arguing about who would have a room with a view if one of them were to get it, or something amongst those lines, anyway, of course Father decided it would be best to dive in, and I wholeheartedly agreed that they should have had our rooms, but they argued something fierce about it, I didn't particularly understand the problem, it turned out it was the older woman named 'Charlotte' which was so adamant on refusing the room. Lucy just kept being shushed.

However, as hours turned to days, I found myself encountering this Lucy more and more, and every time I saw her, I could feel something changing within me, deepening to something I've never felt before, I think I may have to update you at a later date however, we're all going on a picnic up to the countryside. I've decided I'll tell her just how I truly feel. But how...? I don't know. I'll do what Father tells me to do; Be myself!

Until next time,



  1. Tom, How outrageous !!
    The tone of voice is sustained throughout, although it is perhaps a bit more Cecil than George and the first line need a little work- maybe something like from the confused Web of my mind to the world wide web- or is that a bit cheesy?
    God Work Old man- now either analyse your own work as a commentary or send it to Amy and she can can send you hers,

  2. I like the use of the reflexive pronoun'myself' as a caption to the picture- What effect where you going for??
